Saturday, August 26

Can a ticking clock be annoying?

Folks, trust me a ticking clock can be annoying specially on a lazy (and a depressing) Saturday afternoon, when you are the only one in your apartment. As you settle down to go down your memory lane once more for the millionth time on this lazy day, at some point you realize that you have company in the room. Thats when you being to pay attention to the ticking and if you were as crazy as I am, you would probably think-my gawd! doesn't it ever get tired? why can't it just stop ticking? or you would count the number of ticks you hear!!! I know I sound really crazy but that is what not having to do anything does to people, people. Not that I did not do anything, I did go to lab for about 2hrs (this after the fact that I am perfectly aware its a Saturday today).


vashok said...

Should have read this earlier :))....

Kavitha said...

On a depressing Saturday afternoon, when you are the only one in the apartment, believe me, stranger things have seemed annoying!

vashok said...

Hey Kavitha,
I think u should elucidate :)