Tuesday, January 1

Mmhmm it is 2013....so what?

As a child and even as a teenager, I used to give in to the New year's eve festivities- we would not do much but mostly cut a cake, watch some TV is all but that felt like a world to me. But over the last few years- the festivities have lost all their allure. To me it is yet another day. I wake up today 01/01/2012 and nothing has changed- we still do not know if we were thrown off the fiscal cliff, the dairy cliff (and whatever "cliffs" CNN and the 24 hr news media could conjure up-I still hate them), my experiments still have not gone anywhere and Houston is still in drought!
    On a a day when millions are celebrating the past (hopefully) and welcoming the future/present, I cannot help but think about the people who call streets their abode, people who have been displaced from their homes and lands, people who starve each day, people who are grieving for their loved ones (this year- in Syria, Phillipines, Connecticut, Colorado, Delhi and many more countries). I wonder how do they welcome a new year, a brand new year.
    A part of me wants to believe that there is hope in all this (but haven't we been singing the hope song for a long time now) and that is why millions brave the frigid temperatures and swarms of crowds to be a part of "ringing in" celebrations world wide. But if it is HOPE then it should last all through the year and it should make us better people (may be I am missing something and hopefully I can figure it out before we ring in 2014!)
     Until then,
Stay safe
Be happy
Reduce, Reuse and recycle (do your part to protect the place you live in)
spread the love y'all, and remember
Do not do to others what you do not want others to do unto you..

Note to self- be more charitable this year since you do not need any more clothes, accessories, utensils, kitchen gadgets, art supplies....

HAPPY 2013!

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