Thursday, July 26

Have you read it?

Warning may contain spoilers!!!!

Well its Harry Potter time once again... I got the book on Saturday and finally managed to finish it yesterday (even though all of Sunday I could not lay hands on the book, busy cooking). The book was dragging in parts but there were times when I thought JK Rowling had really used her imagination. I did not like the big war like event outside Hogwarts but I did love the fact that Snape was indeed a "good man". So all is well that ends well, I guess (dont want to give too much away). What was the epilogue about- seemed like she generally had to add it to sort of give it an ending or something....can you imagine Harry's childern (hopefully there won't be books about them!)- was quite funny actually. If you read just the epilogue you would wonder as to why on earth did this book get so much popularity-certainly not the writing. The epilogue was very mediocre. On the whole it was alright. I must say the best reads were Goblet of Fire and Half Blood Prince. I am slightly sad that this is it for the Potter boy. SO go ahead give him a big farewell!!!

Tuesday, July 10

Mirror mirror on the wall....

For the first time in years, she stood in front of a dusty mirror hanging from the largest wall in her room- a beautiful victorian style mirror that has been horrendously underused. She had never, in years, paused for more than a few seconds in front of this long piece of glass..just to check if she looked personable enough. Today as she looked at herself, she realized how much time has whizzed by. She was fraught with a feeling of having aged all of a sudden..she was only 32, how could she look so old. Shiny grey hair and thin lines on her face gave her a shiver. How could this have happened- she had started using every anti-aging formula she could find in the market- she was very preemeptive. She was angry that her reflection was showing someone that was not her, someone that she was not comfortable with. She was in tears, but she did not understand as to why she felt so weak. She did not understand if it was just her countenance and looks that bothered her so much or was it something much more than that. After spending considerable time introspecting, she knew one thing- life was too short and there were just too many things that she wanted to do. She knew she had to take affirmative steps- not just to be happy but to make others happy. She had a smirk on her face. When she looked at herself in the mirror there was that same old sparkle in her eyes, yes something which everyone used to adore about her when she a child!! Boy, how could a mirror...